
General Information

To purchase tickets for PGConf NYC 2025, you'll need a PostgreSQL community account. If you do not have a login you will be asked to create one.

Please note, your community account will not be shared or spammed in accordance with our policies.

If you’re ready to purchase tickets - click here!

Registration Type Fee Comments
Early Bird TBD Available until TBD or until sold out
Regular TBD  


A quick overview of how the ticketing process works:

Purchase tickets here!

Early Bird Registration has sold out. Originally it was scheduled to end on TBD.

Please let us know if you have any questions or issues with the registration system by contacting us here:

Diversity Scholarship

As part of its goal to build an inclusive and wide-reaching PostgreSQL community, PgUS sponsors a Diversity Scholarship for conference attendance.

If you are a member of an underrepresented community within Postgres and need financial assistance to attend PGConf NYC 2025, please consider applying here. Scholarship funds can apply to registration, hotel, airfare, and per-diem meals.

Applications should specify how attending PGConf NYC will benefit you, and how you plan to share the benefit with others in your community.